
  • We aim to become an organization dedicated to the design and manufacture of rovers adaptable to customer requirements, providing flexible, comprehensive and innovative solutions. In addition, we seek to promote the democratization of access to space, providing information of the explored environments through alliances with strategic partners.

  • Our vision is to use a constelation of rovers to perform different studies that will be necesarry for future human settlaement on the moon and beyond.


  • Our mission is to eliminate the bottleneck that means the arrival of space technology to end users through the development of an autonomous, multifunctional and modular rover that meets the requirements of efficiency in terms of costs and production times.



Our first Moon rover

It is a modular, autonomous mini lunar vehicle (mass < 2 kg) with the mission to find underground water and lava tubes, which are critical for human survive. And it’s open source!


Free access dataset

All the data generated by the rover constellation will be available for anyone to use.


We believe that the only way to democratize access to space is through working all together. This is why we're partnering with Connecting Worlds and Space Shielding, other teams in the Open Space challenge.

Measurement total ionization dose

Space Shielding has developed and built a PCB that performs TID (total ionization dose) measurement. We are working to integrate it into our rover to provide measurement on the lunar surface.

Lunar Positioning System (LPS)

Connecting Worlds is developing a constelation of moonsat that will provide lunar positiong. We are also working closely with them to bring LPS to our rovers.

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